Over the last few years we have faffed about with different show titles but for 2025 and possibly beyond, the new show for theatres and festivals will be called Comedy 4 Kids: Reducks!
For years my show was called simply Comedy 4 Kids and that was when it was at it's best. So I have now teamed up with the lovely theatre producer Denise Silvey of Cahoots Productions. She will be producing my shows for the foreseeable future.
For 2025 we are going to concentrate on short runs at festivals and a couple of London runs.
I'm very excited.
These are the dates. You should probably buy some tickets.
Saturday 3rd May: Diss Corn Hall - James Campbell’s Comedy 4 Kids: Redux - The Corn Hall
Sunday 4th May: Brighton Fringe Festival - Komedia: James Campbell’s Comedy 4 Kids: Reducks | Komedia Brighton
Monday 5th May: Brighton Fringe Festival - Komedia: James Campbell’s Comedy 4 Kids: Reducks | Komedia Brighton
Monday 11th August - Sunday 17th August- Edinburgh Fringe. Gilded Balloon - Patterhouse.
Saturday 25th October: Museum of Comedy - London.
Sunday 26th October: Museum of Comedy - London.